
Customer Service Opening Hours Examination Period

Dear Student,


I would like to inform you about the opening hours of the Customer Service of the Central Registrar’s Office (1-3, Dohány Street, Pécs, 7622) will change from 11 December 2017 according to the following details:



Monday – Thursday: 08:00 – 15:00

Friday: 08:00 – 12:00


I would like to inform you that the Customer Service of the Central Registrar’s Office at the Szántó Kovács János Street, which is available only for students of the Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development, Training center of Pécs, will be closed from 22 December 2017 until 2 January 2018. The Customer Service at the Dohány Street is available for them, as well.




Wishing you a successful exam period,

Yours faithfully,


Csukáné Jäckl Ildikó

Head of Student Finance Office


Central Registrar’s Office


Opening hours during holidays

Dear Student,


I would like to inform you that the Opening hours of the Central Registrar’s Office (address: 1-3, Dohány Street, Pécs, 7622, Building Z) will be the following during the holidays:


21 December 2017 (Thursday): 8-14

22 December 2017 (Friday): 8-12

27 December 2017 (Wednesday): 8-14

28 December 2017 (Thursday): 8-14

29 December 2017 (Friday): 8-12


We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Yours faithfully,


Csukáné Jäckl Ildikó

Head of Student Finance Office


Central Registrar’s Office


Information about certificate for preferential travelling



Dear Student,


I would like to inform you that from 12 november 2017 the transport companies accept only those Temporary Student Cards which have a two-dimensional code on it, even if the previously given certification is still valid.


If you have a Student Card application in this 2017/18 academic year and your Student Card is not ready yet or you have a Temporary Student Card, please, check your certificate for preferential travelling if it has a two-dimensional code at the top left-hand corner. If your certification does not have this code, please, come to our Office or your Faculty’s administrator who arranges the Student Cards and ask a new one because  the previously given certification is acceptable until 12 november 2017.


You can check here the sample of the Temporary Student Card, which is valid from 12 november 2017.


Kind regards,



Central Registrar’s Office


Student Card application stoppage

Dear Student,


I would like to inform you that the Educational Authority will change the Student Card system during the summer of 2017. Because of this the Student Card application and the production will be suspended for a short time.


We can forward the new applications to the Educational Authority until 22 June 2017 (Thursday).


Those applications which are wrong will be deleted from the Educational Authority’s database if you don’t correct it until 30 June 2017. 

Before you register your new application I would like to ask you to compare your datas on your NEK paper and in the Neptun system. If you see that your data is different please start to correct it. If your personal data is registered correctly on your NEK datasheet, then, please, go to your Faculty’s Registrar’s Office, and ask them to correct your data in the Neptun system.

If your personal data is registered correctly in the Neptun system, then you need to go to the Document Office and get a new NEK datasheet with your correct data. When you got your new Nek datasheet please send it or bring it to our office.

 If you don’t correct your datas and your Student Card status won’t be „under production” the Educational Authority will invalidate your application.

I would like to call your attention that you can get a Temporary Student Card if you have a valid application in the system. If you have an invalid application you cannot get a Temporary Student Card.


If you have questions regarding the above mentioned procedure, please, ask our Customer Service for help on the following email address:




Customer Service



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