How long is the 2019/20/2 semester sticker valid

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Dear Student!


On 17 June 2020, Act LVII of 2020 on the termination of the state of emergency in connection with the novel coronavirus pandemic was published. According to the 89. §. (1) of the law the during the pandemic expired hungarian documents are 180 days longer valid.


According to the Educational Authority, the student cards with 2019/2020. II. semester stickers will be valid for another 180 days following the end of the emergency too.


Based on the above your student ID with the 2019/2020. II semester sticker is valid till 15th of december 2020.  


Please note that students graduated in June can also use their student cards until 15th of december 2020. 


If you have any questions about the student ID, please contact us at


Best regards,


Csukáné Jäckl Ildikó

Office manager

Central Registrar’s Office

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