
SimplePay payment



Dear Student,


I would like to inform you that the University has a new payment option.


In the Neptun Education System you can choose SimplePay payment method instead of VPOS. You can find information about the payment by credit card on the following website .You can download the SimplePay application on your mobilephone, so the administartion can be faster. You can also arrange your items which are in currency by credit card.


If you cannot find the SimplePay payment method, please register your official email address in the Neptun system.


If you have any questions, please, ask our Custumer Service for help on the following email address:, or on the following number: 72/501-581.

I would like to ask you to check your finances regularly in the Neptun system and if you have any problem, do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours faithfully,


Csukáné Jäckl Ildikó

Head of Student Finance Office


Central Registrar’s Office



Soon, a new payment method: Simple Pay

Dear Student,


I would like to inform you that in order to arrange your payments easier the University introduced the Simple Pay payment method which changes the payment by credit card started from the web interface of Neptun (VPOS).


During the switch VPOS could be temporarily unavailable but during this period you can use your credit card at the University’s cash-desks to fulfill your transcripts.


Thank you for your understanding.


Central Registrar’s Office


Information about the change of the administration of student card

Dear Student,


I would like to inform you that the new Student Card regulation was accepted 24 May 2018 at the Senate Meeting.

According to the regulation from the 2018/2019 academic year will be unitary, PTE Student Cards. This means that there won’t be separated Student Cards by Faculties only by regional training centres. If you have an old type of Student Card with the Faculty’s name on it, you can use it if your student status is active on that Faculty but we will put the unitary PTE sticker on it from the next academic year.

Those students whose student status ends in the academic year 2017/2018 and they continue their studies on a different Faculty they need to apply for a new Student Card. On this new student card there won’t be the Faculty’s name only PTE.

I would like to call your attention to the fact that because of the above mentioned changes we cannot forward your Student Card application in this semester. If you lose your Student Card, you need to register a new application in the Neptun system, transcribe the „Lost Student Card sticker” item, pay in the 3500 Forints and then you can receive a certificate for preferential travelling (Temporary Student Card). I would like to call your attention to the fact that because of the system will be changed from 1st July 2018 we are not able to give you a Temporary Student Card for a few days. During these days the Student Card arrangement will be suspended.

If you have any further questions in connection with the above mentioned information, please, contact the competent department where you have arranged the Student Card administration up to this point.


Yours faithfully,


Csukáné Jäckl Ildikó

Head of Student Finance Office

Central Registrar’s Office



Opening hours of the Central Registrar’s Office during the exam period

Dear Student,


I would like to inform you that the Central Registrar’s Office opening hours during the examination period and in the summer are the following:



Monday-Thursday: 8-15 (Lunch break: 12.00-12.30)

Friday: 8-12



If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us on the following email address: or on the following phone number: 72/501-681.



Thank you for your appreciation!


I wish you a successful examination period and a summer full of experiences!


Csukáné Jäckl Ildikó

Head of Student Finance Office

Central Registrar’s Office


Important financial information, change in payment registration

Dear Student,


Let me inform you that the Hungarian State Treasury has bank holiday during the last days of the year, that is why the processing time of the payments will change.


Please, take into consideration the under mentioned information when you arrange your payments:

  • you can pay in currency at the cash-desks until 15 December;
  • the cash-desks will be open until 20 December;
  • the cash-desk in Szántó Kovács János street will be open from 2 January 2018;
  • from 19 December 2017 the registration of the transferred money in the Neptun system will need longer time;
  • if you have transcribed items in forints, please select payment by credit card.


I would like to inform you that from 2 January 2018 the registration of the payments in the Neptun system will be the same as before.


If you have any questions regarding your financies, please contact us on the following email address:



Yours faithfully,


Csukáné Jäckl Ildikó

Head of Student Finance Office


Central Registrar’s Office




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