
Student IDs are still valid

Dear Student,


The amendment of the 500/2020. (XI. 13.) in connection with the health emergency was promulgated on 12th February, 2021. On the basis of this provision, all students whose student card has been validated for the semester of 2019/2020. I or 2019/2020. II. or 2020/2021. I. shall continue to take advantage of travel discounts for 60 days after the end of the emergency.


CHANGE! Temporary certificates which were made up on 4th November, 2020. or after this are valid for 60 days after the end of the emergency, regardless of the expiration date shown on the certificates.


The certificate will only be accepted in printed form, not in electronic form (eg. presented on a mobile phone).



We currently consider 21th July, 2021 as the 60th day after the end of the emergency.


Central Registrar's Office


Change in payment registration

Dear Student,


Hereby I would like to inform you that the processing time of the payments will change in the second half of December at the Univeristy of Pécs.


Please, take into consideration the under mentioned information when you arrange your payments:

    • You can pay in currency at the cash-desk which is at the Szántó Kovács János Street until 16th of December 2020 (Wednesday);
    • The cash-desks will be open until 21th December 2020 (Monday) but because of the Neptun shutdown you can pay at the cash-desks until 18th December 2020, 12am.
    • The Ifjúság street cash desk is closed for technical reasons and will no longer be open in 2020
    • According to prior information the cash-desk at the Szántó Kovács János Street will be open from 4thJanuary 2021 (Monday), the other ones will be open from 6th of January 2021 (Wednesday).
    • From 18th of December 2020 (Friday) the registration of the transferred money in the Neptun system will need longer time;
    • If you have transcribed items in Hungarian forints (HUF), please select payment by credit card; the Neptun system will shut down from 18th of December until the 22nd of December so you cannot pay by credit card during this time;
    • If you transfer money to the joint account (HUF payment only) in the message field you need to indicate the abbreviation NK-………. followed by your Neptun code (e.g.: NK-N3PT0N). We can register your joint account payments in this year if you transfer them until 18th of December 2020.



I would like to inform you that from the 4th of January 2021 the registration of the payments in the Neptun system will be the same as before.


If you have any questions regarding your financies, please contact us on the following email address:



Yours faithfully,


Csukáné Jäckl Ildikó

Head of the Central Registrar’s Office


CRO - Opening hours during the Winter holidays

Dear Student,

I would like to inform you that the opening hours of the Customer Service during the Winter holidays will be the following:


  • 18th of December 2020 (Friday):                     9am-11am
  • 21st of December 2020 (Monday):                   9am-2pm
  • 22nd of December 2020 (Tuesday):                 9am-2pm
  • 23rd of December 2020 (Wednesday):           9am-12am
  • 28th of December 2020 (Monday):                  CLOSED
  • 29th of December 2020 (Tuesday):                 CLOSED
  • 30th of December 2020 (Wednesday):            CLOSED
  • 31th of December 2020 (Thursday):               CLOSED


When you arrange your study cases and finances, please, take into consideration that the Neptun system won’t be available from 18th of December until 22nd of December 2020.


Personal administration is only possible after a prior appointment at the Customer Service (on the following email address: or telephone number: +36-30/324-9694).


I would like to call your attention that the Customer Service won’t be available from 28th of December 2020 until 3rd of January 2021. The opening hours from 4th of January 2021 will be the same as before and students are welcome after prior appointment.


I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in the name of all the colleagues of the Central Registrar’s Office!


Yours faithfully,


Csukáné Jäckl Ildikó

Head of the Central Registrar’s Office


Extended student card validity in case of emergency

Dear Student,


In connection with the health emergency 500/2020. (XI. 13.) was promulgated on 13 November 2020. On the basis of this provision, all students whose student card has been validated for the semester of 2019/2020. I or 2019/2020. II. or 2020/2021. I. can take advantage of travel discounts for 60 days after the end of the emergency.


Temporary certificates without the original signature and stamp will be accepted by travel providers within the period of validity. The certificate will only be accepted in printed form, not in electronic form (eg presented on a mobile phone).



Central Registrar’s Office


Operation of Government Offices of Pécs / application of NEK data sheet





Dear Student!




In accordance with the request of the Government Office of Baranya Country, we would like to inform you that of this day the Government Offices of Pécs (Uránváros, Kertváros and Belváros) accept customers on appointment basis only.


You can make an appointment at the following link or by phone:


Uránváros: 72 / 795-325


Kertváros: 72 / 795-407


Belváros: 72 / 795-363, or 795-670.


Please note the information above, especially when requesting the NEK data sheet required for student card application.




Central Registrar’s Office



Personal administration is only via preliminary appointment booking possible at the CRO


Dear Student, 


According to Joint Order No. 14/2020 of the Rector and the Chancellor on the order of entering the premises of the university and the hygienic rules applicable during the epidemiological preparedness, entering the premises of the university shall be bound to a definite goal and be limited to the duration of achieving that particular goal.


According to Article 10 of the regulation, study administration is done online in general but if that is not possible, then an appointment must be made by phone or online.


From 7 September 2020, the Help Desk of the Central Registrar’s Office will only receive students with an appointment (in line with the regulation).



You can make an appointment:


-          online via



Covering your face and using of the hand sanitizer  is compulsory in order to safeguard your health and the health of our collegues.


Following these instructions is essential to safeguarding your health and the health of others, including your fellow students and our colleagues.



Thank you for your cooperation. Stay safe.



Central Registrar’s Office



How long is the 2019/20/2 semester sticker valid

Dear Student!


On 17 June 2020, Act LVII of 2020 on the termination of the state of emergency in connection with the novel coronavirus pandemic was published. According to the 89. §. (1) of the law the during the pandemic expired hungarian documents are 180 days longer valid.


According to the Educational Authority, the student cards with 2019/2020. II. semester stickers will be valid for another 180 days following the end of the emergency too.


Based on the above your student ID with the 2019/2020. II semester sticker is valid till 15th of december 2020.  


Please note that students graduated in June can also use their student cards until 15th of december 2020. 


If you have any questions about the student ID, please contact us at


Best regards,


Csukáné Jäckl Ildikó

Office manager

Central Registrar’s Office



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