
changes in PTE bank account details

Dear Students!


I would like to inform you again that due to the change of the higher education model from a state-run institution into a public foundation - maintained higher education institution, the bank account and tax account details of the University of Pécs will change as of 1st August.


After the change of the higher education model, from 1st August


University’s bank account:                                                                 



IBAN: HU88117310012313537800000000




Available payment methods:


SimplePay:         Paying by a bankcard via Neptun System in the menu Finances/Payment (Paying by a bankcard via SimplePay will not be interrupted by the change of the higher education model.)


Payment by invoices: In case of bank transfer by a company, based on an invoice requested and issued in advance.

University’s bank account in case of payment by invoice

IBAN: HU88117310012313537800000000


Cashier: Paying by card or cash at the Faculty Cashiers based on previously transcripted item in Neptun system.(This service is expected to be available again from 9th August 2021.)


Neptun will automatically issue an invoice to the student after the payment. If student does not declare the request of invoice in the name of a company, the invoice will be prepared on the name of the student.


Request of invoice must be stated before the bank transfer. Every invoice is being reported to the National Tax and Customs Administration Office, therefore the University has limited opportunity to modify done invoices.


Please, indicate your request of invoice via Neptun system in the menu Finances/Payment / select the item and find + / Submit request.


Due to the change of the University’s tax account, the issuance of invoices will be available from 9th August 2021.


Please, consider the above mentioned, when choosing from the available payment methods.


If you have any questions about the above mentioned, please contact the administrators of the Central Registrar’s Office on


Personal administration is only possible after booking an appointment via


Kind regards, 

Ildikó Csukáné Jäckl

Head of the Central Registrar’s Office  




IMPORTANT – changes in PTE bank account details

Dear Students!


I would like to inform you that due to the change of the higher education model from a state-run institution into a public foundation - maintained higher education institution, the bank account and tax account details of the University of Pécs will change as of 1st August. This may affect many financial transactions before and after 1st August as well.


Therefore, based on the above mentioned, please consider the following when choosing from the available payment methods:


  • Paying with foreign currency at the cashier in Szántó Street will be possible until 20th July 2021. This service is expected to be available again from 9th August 2021.
  • Paying by Hungarian Forints will be possible until 12pm on 22nd July 2021. This payment method is expected be available again from 9th August 2021.
  • When completing a payment via bank transfer please always consider the processing time.
      •  The University’s account at the Hungarian State Treasury (main account, sub-account and collective account) will be terminated on 31st July 2021.
      • You may start a direct transfer to the existing account on 31st July 2021, but from 1st August 2021, these transactions will be reversed. 
      • Before transferring foreign currency and starting a transaction from abroad please consult with your account holder bank about the expected time of the transfer’s arrival. If it cannot be guaranteed that, the transfer will arrive until 31st July 2021 to the University’s account at the Hungarian State Treasury, then please start the transaction to the University’s new account on 2nd August 2021.
  • Paying by a bankcard via SimplePay will not be interrupted, so please when possible then use this payment method to fulfil payment obligations.


Due to the change of the University’s tax account, the issuance of invoices will not be available from 31st July 2021 until 9th August 2021.


If you have any questions about the above mentioned, please contact us on the e-mail address of our customer service.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.



Kind regards,


Ildikó Csukáné Jäckl

Head of the Office


Validity of student card was extended

Travel discount can still be used with student card which was expired during the emergency.



Travel companies will accept student card which has been validated for the 1st and 2nd semester of 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 for 60 days after the end of the emergency. (Expected by mid-November)


Travelling discount is available until the extended period for all students whose student card has been validated in the 2019/2020 or 2020/2021 academic year.


Temporary certificates which were made up on November 4th, 2020 or after this are valid for 60 days after the end of the emergency, regardless of the expiration date shown on the certificates.



Travel companies accept certificates with a printed signature and stamp, but do not accept certificates in electronic form (eg presented on a mobile phone).




Personal administration at CRO again from 05.10

Dear Student!



We would like to inform you that personal administration will be possible again at the Central Registrar’s Office from May 10, 2021. We would like to draw your attention that booking an appointment at is always required!


Wearing mask and maintaining protective distance is still mandatory during administration!


If possible, please give preference to e-mail administration!

If you need any further information, please contact our customer service at the e-mail address or by phone at 72 / 501-681.


Wishing you good health and successful exam period!


Central Registrar’s Office


Szántó street cash desk will be closed between 19th April 2021-23rd April 2021

Dear Student,


I’d like to inform you that the Szántó street cash desk will be closed due to maintenance between 19th April 2021-23rd April 2021.


The currency payment is available at the Ifjúság street cash desk during this period.


At the cashier desk in Ifjúság street they can just accept the exact amount of valute, not less not more.


Thank you for your understanding!





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